Embrace Power, Manage Stress, Relinquish Fear
Everyone has the capability to step into their own power and believe in what is possible, and it can be so hard to see it from within. I’ll be another set of eyes on something you want to do well; Whether you are shaking up your life (or being shaken) in a big transition, or just need some help approaching your manager for a raise, I’m here to set you free from your tethers and unleash the greatness within. Whatever you bring, we’ll approach thoughtfully to uncover your deeper motivations, make a plan with bite size pieces, and steps to keep you accountable. Never underestimate the power of the future (and small, but meaningful actions along the way!)
Outdoor Based Coaching
Take the session with you! The outdoors bring inspiration, awareness, and delight. Nothing is stopping us from going for a hike, walk, or a bike ride, so let’s get going! Not sure about where you want to go or do? Mention outdoor sessions on your first call and we’ll make a plan!
21st Century Masculinity
What does it mean to be a man in our culture? When so many of the people we looked up to when we were young have now been accused and often convicted of crimes that tarnish our views of them. Every one of us has the capacity to be strong, yet yielding, confident, yet humble, and give back as much or more than we take. Explore masculine issues, uncover your inner guide, and ignite the fire to be the best image of masculinity for those who come next.
Teen Kickstart
Our youth are experiencing unparalleled difficulties. From social media and technology, to managing friendships, social pressure, and family connection, give them a space to communicate with someone who gets it. Having treaded these difficult waters, in and out of therapy following a family tragedy as a 10 year old, I know what it is like. Together, we’ll explore, get in touch with what’s important and practice setting boundaries and communicating so that kids can be kids!